Easy Steps to Top Up Your Spenza Account Online

A typical mid sized Enterprise receives tens of invoices from multiple operators every month. Tracking the spend and paying the bills on time is a tedious task that falls on the most over-worked personnel in the HR, finance and operations team. With Spenza, you can now track all operator invoices in one place and pay with a single bill. You save time, optimize spend and also save on late charges!

Spenza allows you to maintain a credit balance in your account, ensuring you can seamlessly purchase plans, manage subscriptions from multiple operators, and pay all your bills on time to keep your operations running smoothly.

This guide explains how to top up an account.

Step 1: Start by navigating to Settings and Account Management.

Step 2: Scroll to the top up section. Here, you can maintain a top up amount for all the different for different currencies. To manage the credit balance and top of invoice amount configuration, you can simply select and click on “Manage Credit”.

Step 3: To add a top up amount, simply click on top top up, enter select the currency from the drop down and enter the top up amount and click on “Pay”. You will be redirected to the payment page.

On successful payment, the top up amount will reflect on in your account in under current credit balance. Some amount is some amount is deducted in processing transactions through card. This top-up process allows for quick payments at a later stage.

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