
Spenza Billing

Manage enterprise mobility KPIs with Spenza dashboard

IT teams manage enterprise mobility by peering through dated telecom invoices or asking for reports from operators. This is inefficient and time consuming – not to mention operator reports are frequently incorrect!
With Spenza, IT and operations teams can monitor their connectivity portfolio in one place with all key performance indicators (KPIs) in one place. The KPIs include spend, activation, usage and service requests across device types, operators, locations and departments.

Self-serve Telecom expense management SaaS that works!

Self-serve Telecom expense management SaaS that works!

Telecom expense management used to be a big boys club. Bought like a enterprise software with long procurement cycle, annual commitments, dedicated account manager and a customer success representative who actually did the work!. Now with Spenza SaaS, you can start using telecom expense management software like any other modern SaaS. Just signup, upload invoices and check out the cost saving recommendations on the platform.

Offer automated TEM services with Spenza white-label platform

Overview of Spenza Super Admin Features and Benefits

As the complexity of the services increase, enterprise demand a lot more from the consulting companies and MSPs. They demand up-to-date reports, alerts on high usage, real time dashboard and a online support and service management workflow that scales with the team.

Spenza offers a comprehensive operating system for MSPs/ consultants and resellers to deliver automated TEM services. With Spenza MSPs can onboard new enterprises, deliver custom reports and offer real time dashboard thus creating a new revenue stream with a branded TEM platform.

Pay all your telecom bills with a single invoice with Spenza

Easy Steps to Top Up Your Spenza Account Online

A typical mid sized Enterprise receives tens of invoices from multiple operators every month. Tracking the spend and paying the bills on time is a tedious task that falls on the most over-worked personnel in the HR, finance and operations team. With Spenza, you can now track all operator invoices in one place and pay with a single bill. You save time, optimize spend and also save on late charges!

Customer notifications and API request logs displayed on Spena's interface, showcasing real-time data management.

“Create a Branded Mobile Experience for Enterprises”

Mobile services from operators have been a standard experience for all users without any scope for customization based on the specific enterprise use case. With operator plans, An enterprise offering mobile plans for their on ground fleet or medical staff will have the same experience as executives on frequent international travel. With Spenza, Enterprises can tie the connectivity experience with the business use case – hence delivering a integrated workflow across multiple services. Think of a frequent traveller getting the right roaming eSIM when they land in a new country or a new mobile service getting activated for a new employee on day 1.

Purchasing Spenza Marketplace Plans

Purchasing Spenza Marketplace Plans

With Spenza, you can create custom mobile experiences tailored to your unique needs. Our guide will show you how to purchase a plan from the Spenza Marketplace efficiently. Save time, reduce errors, and manage your resources better with our streamlined process. Dive in and see how easy it can be to optimize your mobile services!

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