Overview of Spenza Super Admin Features and Benefits

Telecom expense management consultants and MSPs (Managed service providers) offer a valuable services to Enterprises in streamlining their telecom operations and managing operator contracts. This has traditionally been a consulting services engagement. As the complexity of the services increase, enterprise demand a lot more from the consulting companies and MSPs. They demand up-to-date reports, alerts on high usage, real time dashboard and a online support and service management workflow that scales with the team.

Spenza offers a comprehensive operating system for MSPs/ consultants and resellers to deliver automated TEM services. With Spenza MSPs can onboard new enterprises, deliver custom reports and offer real time dashboard thus creating a new revenue stream with a branded TEM platform.

Spenza provides hierarchical account management support, enabling MSPs to manage multiple accounts efficiently. As a Spenza super admin, resellers or telecom expense management service vendors can oversee multiple enterprise accounts. This guide provides a step-by-step overview of the super admin features and functionalities.

Step 1 : Log in to your Spenza super admin account. Upon logging in, you will see a comprehensive list of all enterprise accounts associated with your super admin account.

Click on any account from the list to view detailed information and manage the account.

Step 2 : As a super admin, you can create admin roles for multiple responsibilities. This allows for effective delegation and management within the enterprise accounts.

Step 3 : You have the capability to manage both private and public APIs associated with the business, ensuring seamless integration and functionality.

Step 4 : Access the billing settings to configure and manage payment options, ensuring accurate and timely transactions.

Step 5 : You can add multiple currencies to the accounts, facilitating international transactions and expense management. Set configurations for minimum credit balance requirements and top-up invoice amounts to ensure uninterrupted service for enterprise accounts.

Step 6 : Customize the list of Spenza marketplace plans and SIMs that will be displayed to the account user. This ensures that users only see relevant options tailored to their needs.

Managing Service Requests

Step 1 : Navigate to the Service Requests page to view requested plans from multiple customers and all SIM purchase orders.

Step 2 : Continue to edit the status of orders as changes occur. These updates will sync with the user’s account, allowing for real-time tracking and transparency.

Any changes made by the super admin will sync with the user’s account. This allows users to easily track the status of their requests and orders.

By following these steps, resellers can effectively manage multiple enterprise accounts as a super admin on Spenza. This hierarchical management ensures efficient oversight, customization, and real-time tracking, enhancing overall operational efficiency. For further assistance, refer to the help section or contact Spenza support.

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